Bukkake Udon with Fried Shrimp

Jipbap Mama
5 min readDec 18, 2022

….Bukkake udon is a very simple noodle dish that’s very common in Japanese cooking. The word ‘Bukkake’ simply means splashing after pouring liquid in the Japanese language. It is served by pouring some tsuyu and relatively strong dipping sauce directly onto udon noodles. Adding a delicious broth with splashing on some broth to traditional udon noodles leads to the ultimate creation of bukkake udon. I have special tsuyu in my refrigerator. When I learned how to make @comble2’s tsuyu, the chef recommended adding bukkake udon as well. So I used only tsuyu onto the udon noodles and some Mat-Gan-Jang for seasoning. It has a clean taste with fresh and chewy noodles. Also I added some leftover fried shrimp on top of the noodles for garnish and put an onsen tamago(poached egg) too. It’s enough for anyone to make their own bukkake udon by choosing the toppings they want.

Servings: 3

Time: 30 minutes


  1. 3 frozen udon noodles, thawed onto a counter
  2. 3 eggs
  3. 1700 ml water
  4. 1 cup tsuyu sauce
  5. 1 tbsp Mat-Gan-Jang
  6. 4 stems green onion, minced
  7. seaweed for garnish
  8. sesame seeds for garnish
  9. fried shrimps for garnish(this is optional)

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Heat a pot with medium high heat and add 1000 ml water into the pot to boil with a lid.

2. After boiling the water, turn off the heat and add 700 ml cold water into the pot.

3. Put the egg into the pot with the lid and leave it for 20 minutes(poached eggs).

4. After 20 minutes, remove the egg into a plate.

4. Crack the egg into a small bowl.

5. Mix the tsuyu and Mat-Gan-Jang into a serving sauce bowl and set aside.

6. Heat a pot with medium high heat and add 4 cup water into the pot to boil.

7. Add the udon noodles into the pot to boil them for 2 minutes until noodles softened. Sift the noodles with a strainer(remove some water).

8. Put the noodles onto a serving bowl.

9. Put the green onion on top of the noodles.

9. Add the fried shrimp, poached egg, seaweeds, and sesame seeds on top of the noodles.

10. Serving it with the sauce.

You can also view this recipe on instagram.




Jipbap Mama

I started organizing recipes that my family likes. I learned these recipes from some chefs and popular blogs. May my daughters remember mama's food.