Crispy and Crunchy Fried Chicken(Dakgangjeong)
….If you love fried chicken, I strongly advise you to try this recipe. This recipe can be fried in a minimal amount of oil to keep it crispy. Also I use this recipe with light soy sauce. I remember when that kind of fried chicken was popular and I used to order it all the time for my family in Korea. I’d call up the chicken shop and they’d deliver delicious, hot, and crunchy chicken to our house in less than an hour in Korea. Now I make it at home, and my family still eats my dish deliciously as well. Cooking makes me happy because it reminds me of family. When I think about any of my family members, my memory most often goes to a meal or special dish that connects me to them. My husband, DJ, and CALEB like this dish.
Servings: 4
Time: 40 minutes
- 1.2 lb chicken wings, cleaned and pat dry
- 2 Ts potato starch
- 4 Ts avocado oil
- 1–1.5 Ts Mat-Gan-Jang
- 1 Ts Mirin
- 1 Ts water
- 1 Ts rice syrup
- chives for garnish
Cooking Instructions:
- Coat the chicken wings with the potato starch into a try well.
2. Heat a pan with medium high and add the avocado oil into the pan.
3. Grill the chicken into the pan for 15 minutes with a lid.
4. After 15 minutes, flip over the chicken and grill them for 10 minutes with the lid.
5. Place the chicken onto a tray(remove some oil).
6. Meanwhile, heat a pan with medium heat and add the Mat-Gan-Jang, mirin, water, and rice syrup into the pan to boil them.
7. Put the grilled chicken into the pan and toss them quickly.
8. Serve the chicken hot with some chives.
You can also view this recipe on instagram.