Seafood Salad with Pine Nut Sauce
….I remember being very surprised by pine nuts, while I was making pine nut sauce. I experienced an incident with pine nut allergy, and it was a close call .…… Pine nut allergy may occur in some sensitive individuals. The reaction symptoms may range from simple skin itching to severe including difficulty breathing . It made me feel responsible again as a person who makes food. Even now, I can’t erase my regrets. After that incident, I stopped using pine nuts for a while. Today I took out some pine nuts for my husband. Crunchy, buttery textured, pleasantly sweet and delicious pine nuts are small edible kernels of the female corn on a pine tree. Pine nut is also great for reducing bad cholesterol levels in the blood. They can be eaten roasted, salted or sweetened. The nuts are also used in salads, porridge, and especially sprinkled over fruit/vegetable salads.
Servings: 3–4
Time: 50 minutes plus 2 hours for boiling beef(you can use broth and meat for other dish)
- 8 shrimps, peeled
- 8 scallops
- 2 abalones, took out shell
- 300 g boiled beef(keep the broth 3–5 Ts), sliced thinly
- 100 g bamboo shoots, parboiled and sliced
- 1 cucumber, sliced into round
- 1/2 ts avocado oil
For pine nuts sauce:
- 6 Ts pine nuts, minced
- 2- 4 Ts beef broth or seafood broth
- 1 ts sea salt
- 1 Ts sesame oil
- white pepper to taste(or black pepper)
Cooking Instructions:
- Put the sliced cucumbers into a tray and sprinkle some salt for preserving cucumbers into the tray about 20 minutes. Set aside.
2. Meanwhile, heat a pot with high heat and add 6 cup water to boil.
3. Parboil the bamboo shoots, scallops, abalones, and shrimp into the pot separately for 1–2 minutes. Set aside.
4. After 20 minutes, sift the cucumbers with cheese cloth and squeeze the moisture from the cucumbers.
5. Heat a pan with high heat and add the avocado oil to stir fry the cucumbers quickly for 1–2 minutes until bright green.
6. Turn off the heat and take out the cucumbers into a sheet pan. Spread them out to cool down quickly.
7. Mix the minced pine nut and sesame oil into a bowl well.
8. Add the sea salt, beef broth, and white pepper into the bowl well(add some beef broth, if it is too thick).
9. Serve all together(beef meat, cucumbers, bamboo shoots, shrimp, scallops, abalones)to mix with the pine nut sauce or plate them a serving dish with the pine nut sauce.
You can also view this recipe on instagram.